
Perfile by manuel torres from argentina

designer's own words:

producing sliced door handles?
this product proposes practically something similar. From a profile extrusion whose main view responds to the type of door handles, in addition with the possibility of consecutive slices, you get design variants that refer to the original profile. a so simple technology solves a so complex mechanism in such a clear product.

the requirements presented by the extrusion process (symmetry) and the direct analogy with the set of doorhandles (left and right) were used to develop a concept of extruded handle non-existent in the market.

the system is solved in two extruded pieces that are linked to the stem using a screw that fixes all components. the set is complemented with fasteners and the door lock.

the possibility of orthogonal, oblique and curved cuts maximizes the design variants. this production method also allows us to provide the location of the cuts: convex, concave, and thus obtain different morphological and a whole different family of cranks, all from the same profile.

countless are the surface finish alternatives that this technology offers: anodizing, powder coating, silkscreen, protective sheets, grinding, and polishing are some examples.

besides, it exists the possibility of interfering the primary process of aluminum extrusion technology, by incorporating co-extrusion of a polymer or an elastomer. In this way will add functional, ergonomic and aesthetic to the range of alternatives.

presentation of product

copy_91_image_2.jpg product blueprints

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