peep door by nankyo - hanan ben shoshan from israel
designer's own words:
Peep door
Mostly, a door is a barrier that prevents any kind of relations between two spaces. Behind the door there is something out of reach. The unknown arouses the curiosity, the need to discover, the need to peep, to look through the key hole, through the cracks of a wooden door.
This design, influenced by Italians grown-up movies, responds for the need for peeping, by creating a connection and relation between two separated spaces. Light from the room inside pass through "holes" to the outside corridor, turns the door into a curtain, correlates the spaces, and makes a magical atmosphere at the outside.
The door is made of a clean natural varnished wood. Holes of about 1.5cm diameter are drilled and filled with translucent polymer, which can be in various colors. The result is a pattern of tiny lights like stars or pixels, and can be freely design,
The frame-head is made of same translucent polymer, creates a thin frame of light to the door.
peep door-a glance to paradise
light of paradise? details
patterns of light