PATHFINDER by yalman from turkey

designer's own words:

Loggerheads (caretta carettas) are endangered species.
Artificial lighting is responsible for 10% of hatchlings deaths every year.
Hatchlings emerge at night, when darkness increases, the chance of being a prey and sand surface temperature are reduced.
They have an inborn tendency to move toward the brightest direction which is the reflection of full moon and star light over the water.
Confusing brighter artificial light causes loss of suitable nesting beaches.
“Pathfinder” courages hatchlings' ability to navigate to the brighter area on water's edge.
"Pathfinder" collects sunlight with its solar cells at day time and acts as a protector for caretta caretta nests.
At night time it directs its light to sea in order to guide caretta carettas.
It can be stacked and stored during off season.

Concept at night
Life Cycle and Nesting Areas