paridaiza by parisa manouchehri from iran
designer's own words:
My design for this door handle, paridaiza, (meaning an enclosed garden in ancient Iranian language) is based on various components of a Persian garden. Where, you might ask, commences the relation between a door handle and a Persian garden?
Opening a glimpse into paradise (literally and entomologically) no imagery could be more appropriate. The word Paradise was coined after paridaiza, which most closely resembled the experience of Eden on earth to the ancient people.
The Persian garden, the origin of most garden designs, is rich with formal qualities. This garden imagery has been the source of much of the architectural ornamentation and detailing of the building arts throughout the ages.
A door handle that represents both conceptually, and figuratively, such a rich design lineage can find a remarkable place in much of the architecture that still exists in that ancient spirit - whether “traditional” or “modern” in its image.
For the sake of this design, I have chosen three elements of this garden type:
The fountain basin –as the rosette.
The fountain shaft-as…well, the shaft.
And the Cypress tree, (the venerable Persian Cypress tree) as the lever itself.
Together they complete the secret combination that is the door to paradise
front view
top view