
paperipener by Fernando Z from mexico

designer's own words:

Households usually wrap up fruits and some vegetables such as avocados in newspapers for them to ripen faster than usual, that is because of the ethylene gas that fruit generate to ripen naturally.
These series are called PapeRipeners because they are made of old news papers with the sole objective to ripen fruits in a healthy and chemical-free way.
The process is made entirely by hand, by cutting stripes of the newspaper, then on a semi spherical shape apply white glue dissolved in water to help optimize the material.
the process is the same as the Mexican "piñatas" are made with old news paper and paste.

The spherical shape is intended to help the gas cycle all around the entire fruit so it can ripen properly and to give strength to the entire device.

PapeRipener paperipenerThe individual series of Ripeners in 3 different sizes paperipenerThe smallest can hold up several fruits and / or vegetables paperipenerPapeRipener also comes with a fruit plate to store fruit or use it as a cutting station paperipenerPapeRipener is big enough to hold an entire batch of fruits for the entire family paperipenerBig enough for a papaya