palm by Goula/Figuera from spain
designer's own words:
Palm uses 12 OLED standard panels (100mm x 100mm).
It is the first member of a bigger family which could include pendant, floor and table lamps using the most appropiate panel size for each use.
Tha shape and the manufacturing process is simplified to the maximum, 6 steel sheets laser cut and welded to a tube with an OLED panel on both sides of each sheet.
The way of arranging the panels is the optimun in order to get the maximum of light using the minimum space.
The OLED panels are not directed in one special direction, Palm is supposed to provide ambient and comfortable light, powerful enough but not anoying.
Palm (floor version)detail image of the palm lamp ON
detail image of the palm lamp OFF
View of the Palm (floor version)
Palm proportions (floor version)