pado handle by gabriel mathews from usa
designer's own words:
this handle is the final outcome of a series of form and function studies based on competing brands within the category and brand form history. the overall design is leaning towards simple geometric shapes with subtle design features that make the simple process of opening the door more simple.
when approaching the door with a bag of groceries or full hands, a typical handle becomes a resting spot for the baggage. why not allow this to become a temporary surface? why not include a better way to aim the key to the lock. who hasn't fumbled with this while using their cell-phone as a flash light?
taking clues from old rotary dial phones, make something that has an aiming feature. (they put dots in the center of the holes in those old phones so you'd have something to aim at with your finger. likewise, a red ring around the lock gives you something to aim your key at. night time? no problem, funnel the rim of the lock barrel so that keys can locate their way into the lock with minimal effort.
the handle, or 'paddle' as i've been calling it functions to increase the surface area in the y-axis to allow for more grip on the handle while opening the door. this handle also includes the potential for customization with the (shown in this project as bamboo) removable wooden grip. this offers a niche of personalization within the unit and increases potential market interest.
on the reverse side, (handle side 'b') the core of the pivoting area has a half red/half brushed steel core to create a visual indication of whether or not the door is locked without breaking the ergonomic limits of the form. alternately there is a push-button this side of the door to articulate the lock and create additional lock usage. the idea of using the handle itself as the locking function was considered for maintaining the clean aesthetic language, however it was passed by as this might be a more practical approach. to solving the problem.
as for breaking down materials-
light brush steel hardware and rose.
set screws are painted black
all finish hardware is chrome plated
wood grip is clear coated
handle side 'b' lock indicator could be injection molded plastic with brush steel sticker for cost however it would be recommended to use real steel with brush to match other elements.
additional sketches for the development can be seen here: http://gabrielmathews.com/DesignBoom/boom.html
thank you for taking the time to review this submission.
-gabriel mathews
page 1 :: door side view showing both handles
page 2 :: hero shot of handle side ‘a’
page 3 :: hero shot of handle side ‘b’ with lock function detail
page 4 :: detail shot of handle side ‘a’ key funnel function
page 5 :: exploded view showing general material/finish details
page 6 :: elevation views of both sides and photos from ergonomic study showing wood mock-up