
Pad by felix heinrich from germany

designer's own words:

While creating "Pad" human engineering was very important. It works understandet for a wide range of hands and a lot of different treatments.
After this settings there was the search for a simple, understood form that is nice to look at but not dominant. Beauty is in the details. According to this you can use it for a big variety of buildings.
Aside this a self standing, new styling was important. So the increasing pivot was developed. It gives a strong look and solid feel. the massive convex surface gives a comfortable rest for the hand. It further simplifies the appearance because the rosette is integrated.
Crafted in blasted stainless steel this handle can last for a long time in several surroundings.
As it is symmetrical it can be uses for both door-sides without additional production-costs and more complex logistic.

front view

copy_34_top.jpg top view

copy_3_left.jpg left view

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