Other Side of The Mirror by T.kojima 2016 from japan
designer's own words:
“Magic mirror on the wall… Who's the fairest of them all?”
This quote appears to represent nature of our humanity
All of us care, more or less, about how we are thought about by other people and bothered by that.
Nothing has changed.
We always care about that.
And one of destinations that our concern goes is…..”Clothes”
When dating someone or having a speech in front of crowd, we are bothered by asking ourselves how we can look good.
This is merely one of those examples, and this shows what we are.
Famous people gave us some quotations that means “Clothes makes the man”.
“Dressing is a way of life”Yves Saint Laurent
“Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.”Mark Twain
“Making one’s surface is a kind of method to improve one’s inside.”Soseki Natsume
“I suppose that clothes you are in represents your face. “Hidetoshi Nakata
“Clothes that you wear sometimes represent you. “Kingsley Ward
All of us get into our own clothes for inspiring ourselves and living for Today.
This MIRROR lead us into better Today, better Tomorrow ,and better Future.
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