
OriSwan by yannis zannikos from greece

designer's own words:

Looking for inspiration we came across two main topics of interest.
First, origami, from ori meaning "folding", and kami meaning "paper", is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding. The goal of this art is to transform a flat sheet of material into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting techniques.
Second, the swan, one of the most recognizable origami designs is also combined with the tale of the well known ballet “Swan Lake” in which the leading roles of the white swan and black swan are performed by the same ballerina.
Aiming at matching both elements into one design philosophy, we came up with a name that includes the aggressive and folding form of origami, as well as the uncertain limits between black and white which, eventually, are one entity.
This is “OriSwan”.

Our handle is rather simple but innovative. Its unique character makes it suitable for modern and minimal interiors. We believe that this handle is an elegant detail that could be applied to any door and easily added to any place. Furthermore, it could be preferred by people who love the Japanese culture.

Finally, we mention that our handle is made of aluminum and partly painted black and white. It could be manufactured as a single piece, cast in a mold.

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