
origin by markus vogelmann from germany

designer's own words:

digital media combined with the origins of drawing, writing and scribbling on real paper gave me the background of creating the moleskinerie logo. like when you you put - for example - a coin under a piece of paper and then start scribbling with your pencil, you will make the hidden visible, bringing it to life, like a blueprint. the object will be surrounded by lines like a frame, the frame that i saw the moleskinerie log in.

so the moleskinerie is a part of the moleskine brand, its still "new" and has its origin in the analogue, physical world, where you use (like i do, too)your moleskine everyday to put down your drawings, first thoughts and scribbles with a pencil or pen. in the logo i created all of these
intentions coming together to keep it visually "open" for all interpretations, not trying to be finished or perfect.
