Open Source Sea Chair

Open Source Sea Chair by Studio Swine from uk

designer's own words:

Studio Swine has created an open source design for a portable furnace that processes sea plastic into new products.

The United Nations estimates some 100 million tons of plastic waste to be contaminating in the worlds oceans, a proportion of which washes up on coastlines across the globe. Much of this waste litters beaches in Africa, India and South America effecting some of the poorest coastline communities in the world.

The furnace is designed to be extremely low cost and easy to build with readily available materials and minimal tools, creating the possibility of new livelihoods whilst removing plastic from the marine environment.

The Furnace is fitted with a a charcoal filter to capture fumes and it's small enough to be used on the limited space of fishing boats so plastic by-catch can be recycled.

The chair created is one of an infinite range of products that could be produced, the ship stool is tagged with a production number and the coordinates of where it was harvested and made.

Watch the video

Open source stool
Open Source Sea Chair
Open source manual
[jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”″ html5_file=”″ download_file=”″]

Open Source Sea Chair
Melting plastic in the furnace
Open Source Sea Chair
Plastic caught at sea
Open Source Sea Chair
Open Source Sea Chair
Fishing boat going out from harbour