Only For C by SaraHuang from china
designer's own words:
Curiosity is easily created by seeing something different and new. When I travel to a strange place, curiosity happens all the time. Not only I am curious about new place and the locals, but also the locals are curious about what these travelers are interested in. I think if there is a product can help me to ask the locals what I am wondering and curious about, that would be perfect. So, this product is designed. This product can catch curiosity, and then get the point to interact with the helpful locals. The locals can realize how their world is different to the travelers who come from other side of the world. The travelers can enjoy story and history told by the locals. Both of them can enjoy brainstorming process. Answer is not important; the most important thing is to let travelers know that they are never walk alone. There is a proposed application. This product can enhance reputation of a country when the locals can helpfully explain history and culture of the country. More and more travelers will be attracted to the country because of the sweet locals. If there is a big event held in a place such as Olympic or world cup, it will be a good opportunity to promote the country by using this product. Bluetooth is used in the product for searching the locals. It is because most of travelers cannot easily find out WiFi network in most of countries in any time. Bluetooth is a solution to solve this problem which is short range technology and the travelers can feel how close the locals near to them that can make the travelers feel warm. Another technology used to shorten the distance between the locals and travelers is that machine translation. It can eliminate language barrier between the locals and the travelers. But both of them can keep listening the original voice from the speaker with providing a readable subtitle. There are several sensors used to create a new using experience to users such as ultrasonic sensor, motion sensor and gyroscopic sensor. For manufacturing, Injection molding is good enough for making the casing. But most of important skill is to assemble all the sensors into a small cavity. Transparent and white high gloss PP are needed.
Product Shot
Scenario Part 1
Scenario Part 2
Scenario Part 3
Scenario Part 4
Specificaiton of The Product