only 1degree change can affect us by mina kawg from korea
designer's own words:
It seems that we do not realize that, because of us, the temperature of our environment is
gradually rising. This graphic aims to help us take cognizance of the fact that only a
one-degree temperature increase can affect us profoundly. Five graphics(I can't submit
five because competition limited the number of graphic by three) illustrate, the effects of 5
incremental rises in temperature, from +1 to +5°C. And, the sea level corresponding to
each temperature rise is represented by thin wave lines. The following, which are covered
by the surface of the waves on each of the graphic, are the predicted effects of those rising temperatures and sea levels.
+1°C : At least 10% of land species face extinction
+2°C : Sharp declines in crop yields in tropical regions
+3°C : Collapse of oxygen-generating Amazon rainforest
+4°C : 300 million more people affected by coastal flooding each year
+5°C : Sea level rise threatens small islands, coastal areas and major world cities such as New York, London, and Tokyo
- from “The Economics of Climate Change,” The Stern Review
Showing these potential disasters on graphic can draw people's attention to global warming
’s predicted future impacts on their daily lives. Although climate change is a potential
disaster, mercifully we have the technology to predict the results of our behavior and thus we can prepare for them. At this point in time, this project can tell people the serious truth that their recognition of and preparedness to cope with the looming disaster are of the utmost
Today we are the creators of our own climate, and thus the future of our ecosystem depends
on our behavior. It’s like we are the inventor of a poison that can become an antidote. When we made the poison, we didn’t know that it would be poisonous,but now our future is crucial but obvious. The antidote to counteract the potential disaster is love and consideration for our environment. We are living in exciting times, being able to control our environmental condition and its impact on our society.
The “Only 1°C change can affect us.” graphic provides us information on global warming
issues that is easy to understand via graphic; in this way, the project can open viewer’s
eyes to our global responsibility for the actions that impact on society.
“Only 1°C change can affect us.”
only 1degree change can affect us_1
only 1degree change can affect us_2
only 1degree change can affect us_3