Olive Kit by fei ma from new zealand
designer's own words:
The Olive kit is designed as a truly “teeny” furniture, which might challenge the conventional perception on furniture. It has two functions. Firstly, when it is open, it stands firmly on table or desk inside bedroom as a handy case where teenagers can through their little stuffs in, like keys, necklace, gum, watch, and stationery, etc. Secondly, when it is closed, it becomes a mini “rugby”, which is convenient and fun to be carried with during traveling, so it functions as a multi-purpose kit for stuffs like tooth brush, paste, razor, glasses, etc. During the design, a big effort is put on its aesthetics and emotional appealing, as designer believes that something in order to be accepted into teenager’s space, it must be able to create fun, and be “cool” (emotionally appeals). Sometimes, it goes beyond function.
For manufacturing, wood material is ideal, as its natural texture and touch is preferred. A synthetic material (the blue and yellow piece) that has both flexibility and strength would be used to connect the four wood shells in a particular way, and enables the rotation (Declare: this way of rotation is partly based on an existing design of a glass case). Magnet and Velcro would be used to keep the two rotatable shells stand or close firmly. Elastic string inside keeps stuff safe.
how does the olive kit look like
how it works, and cast a
the size, it can be flexibly altered.