oled extender

oled extender by ujinjam from korea

designer's own words:

Modern society demands change constantly. The space as well as the product is constantly changing and people want to continue to satisfy various needs. Because oled is thin and flexible, I think it is the most efficient material to make a change. Because of this, I designed the 'oled expender' which is not a fixed product, but a space that can be used for various purposes. It can be used a screen, dividing wall, - it transforms the room. It can be used as a single item or as a combination of several. The most important feature is that it can be used for various purposes depending on how to use it. In the house, it can be used as a tv and an interior accessories. In a pop-up store as big billboard, also just placing the oled expender can be an exhibition space. Unlike conventional screens, installation and dismantling are fast, and it is possible to install various structures not only a straight structure but also a zigzag and wave structure.
If you want to extend oled, you can insert the joint at the end of the handle into another oled expender column and rotate it 90 degrees. When you want to pull it out, you can rotate it 90 degrees again. The column is anodized aluminum and the handle is made of steel.

Combine the oled extender to create space.
oled extender
Use it as an interior accessory like a partition
oled extender
Enhance the appeal of promotional items by install the oled extender.
oled extender
oled extender image
oled extender
oled extender
Details of the combination method
oled extender
use as a tv