OLED Cube by V. Pavlyuchok from italy

designer's own words:

OLED Cube is a light cube designed mainly for decorative proposals, but can be used even as task lamp.

It was designed as a minimalistic shape to show the power of this OLED technology as innovative, flexible, and incredibly thin comparing to the other light technologies. For this reason our propose is this shape so thin but able to keep the resistance and show the potentiality of the OLED technology. We wanted to make it as simple as possible, don't use thick shapes as they could make the user think that it could be made using any other technology.
This cube was presented in 3 different shapes: 200, 250 and 300 mm and just 100 mm deep to keep it comfortable to work put on the desk without being bulky .

This cube is made from the metal sheet bended in this cube, then welded the connection. After this the metal structure should be painted to the desired color, we recommend the black color as it is good to be contrasted with the OLED panel when turned on. Lately the OLED panel bended must be put inside this structure and attached to it.

Materials: The materials used for manufacturing this object are mainly stainless steel (than can be painted in different colours) used for the structure component and the OLED panel bended and attached to the inner part of this cubic shape.

Production/Manufacturing: This part is not very difficult. The manufacturing of this cube is divided mainly in two parts. First one is the manufacturing of the outer component used like a structure that is made by metal sheet bended to create this cube, then welded the connection of the edges where it joins. OLED panel to be put inside this shape must be the same size to cover completely the inner part. The cable must be attached in the lover part of the cube, trying to keep as slim and minimalistic size as possible.

Designers: Vasyl Pavlyuchok & Zhang Qixing

3 different cube sizes
front view of cubes
3 cubes positioned on the desk
dimensions of the cubes
one size presentation