off the grid

off the grid by Iulius Lucaci from usa

designer's own words:

“OFF THE GRID” is a solar task light which functions by harnessing the suns energy and turning it into “free light”. This product is ideal for developing countries, reading and even charging small electronic devices (cell phones, MP3s, etc.). The task light can be left in the sun all day to collect energy and upon nightfall the energy can be used accordingly.

The material of choice is reclaimed wood; for example, quarter-sawn oak flooring was used with a very tight grain which is ideal for bending. This product uses 2 photovoltaic solar panels creating 3 watts of current and draws direct sunlight or ambient light to produce 3-4 hours of energy. Thus, this product is 100% carbon-free. The energy is stored in 9 AA Nickel-metal Hydride batteries housed in the base of the product and is powered by 10 LEDs creating an inviting ambient glow. The aluminum base plate has a capacitive touch sensing switch for ON/OFF positions and three levels of brightness.

Choosing wood for the main structural form and base is threefold: firstly, for the simplicity of manufacturing the product with local craftsmen worldwide; secondly, for the green and recycle aspect; and thirdly, for the low to no heat retention when left charging in direct sunlight. The product life-cycle is dependent on the solar panels which have a rating of 8-10 years. Since the materials used are recycled wood, corn-based epoxy PCB, copper wiring and aluminum, this product is 90% recyclable and 70% biodegradable.

task light main body

otg2.jpg detail of photovoltaic solar panels

otg3.jpg detail of light source