objekt light by JSC Griffiths from united arab emirates
designer's own words:
It's very important to understand Objekt is from a place where light
has always been tactile. It understands that there is no way to be
comfortable and complacent. There is no front, back, top, or bottom,
this is all possible because of OLED Flat Panels.The Panels are placed
in Aluminum casings only 1mm thick that helps to highlight their
unique qualities, which are flat, and light weight.
As individuals the panels are great, by counts of 8 .16, 24 or more they
are powerful light sources. The individual Objekt Light has 8
(200X50mm) Standard Panels, creatin efficient light for tables,
bedsides, and more.
Refer to image 02 Objekt design and Assemble for further information.
Objekt IntroductionObjekt Design and AssemblyObjekt ControlObjekt ManipulationObjekt ManipulationObjekt Specials