
Obi by dmavani from india

designer's own words:

The competition has made me aware about the kimono and through the kimono I have learnt a lot about the Japanese traditions and culture. However, the rich Japanese culture is deteriorating resulting in the dying industry of the craftsmen.
Through my project I wanted to re-live the industry and also make people all over the world aware about the traditional kimono which would simply increase this industry.
Kimono means “a thing to wear”. I wanted to keep this notion alive in my design and so designed a handmade watch for women.
The watch is highly inspired by the Obi as it is the only thing that holds the entire Kimono together.It has exactly the same function in the watch.
The kimono is always worn left over right and this feature is depicted in the watch as well.
The silk fabric used in the watch is a single piece of fabric that is embedded into the dial.
Obi is a range of 4 watches, each watch portraying one season as you possess different kimonos for different seasons.

Brief :Insight and opportunity
Why a design a watch inspired from the kimono
Product identity and integration
Glamour Shot : Product and packaging
Concept Explanation
Product Range : Spring, summer, autumn and winter