Now Show! by Simona from usa
designer's own words:
Make anticipation. Explore the concept, reframe the problem as an opportunity by asking “what if?”
What is anticipation? — It is the action of anticipating something. It is an expectation or a prediction, it is regarding something as probable.
What if? — What angles could approach the concept of anticipation? How could a need that is not identified, be answered? Sometimes our behavior gives away the idea, that instead of looking at a certain thing we preoccupy our minds with a wrong substitute.
I decided to develop the idea of creating an exhibition that instead of framing valuable objects of the past, concentrates on potential opportunities of future valuable "things".
In order to illustrate this idea, I used a physical frame, that best represents the idea of presenting something in the light of appreciation. I took this from to different locations and photographed the "curated" selection of possibilities.