noviembre by marcelo federico from argentina
designer's own words:
Door to paradise
Is a woman smile
With honey bright eyes.
The door is one of the most expresive objects you can find in a house. It is the entrance, the comunication but it is also the restriction and the barrier as well.
This proyect trys to offer a warm wellcome throught materials and shapes. It also helps reduce the connotation as an impassable barrier.
The product is made of cardboard:
-Tubular structure (Ø25 x 2.5mm x 720mm)
-Plain plastificated cardboard as a structure and cover.
-Microcorrugated cardboard ribbons for organic shapes and cover.
The hige is made with a creased steel sheet and a steel wire attached to the floor and to the uper door frame.
The door handles are made of a creased steel sheet and they are dent to open and close with just one movement (push or pull).