nomadic3 by glen nutting from usa
designer's own words:
By removing the negative connotation from the term "homeless," you end up with a nomad. Not settling in one location, a nomad has to be able to pack up their belongings and move at a moment's notice. Nomadic3 sustains this lifestyle. The person's belongings are separated from their collection of recyclables while in transit. The reused car tires surrounding the roto-molded barrel make traveling easier and protect the hinge/closure system. When you want to rest, open the barrel into two halves and unfold the sleeping surface. The three components of the barrel are not side-specific, thus reducing the production cost. There is no hardware involved eliminating the need for maintenance. The push/pull handle becomes the verticle structure supporting the plastic tarp covering. Flaps hang down around the sides to protect the person from the elements, or can be placed on top to enjoy a beautiful day/night.