Nomad by Rui Palma from portugal
designer's own words:
People were always nomads by nature and during their change between cities, countries or even continents, 3 big concepts were always present: storing, traveling and transport.
Nowadays people are becoming even bigger nomads inside of their own cities. Man stores and transports every minute in every situation of his life, while travelling from home to work, or even from the kitchen to the living room in the comfort of his home.
Carrying this idea to the urban life, NOMAD was created, a flexible closet made of neoprene with the capacity to store multiple objects with the most variable shapes and sizes. After storing their objects the user just needs to roll NOMAD and close it with 2 stripes of Velcro. For that reason you can store and transport them in a fun and relaxed way. NOMAD have also 2 eyelets in the top so the user can hang it on the surface he desires. Known for being a warm and comfortable material used in the Surf industry, Neoprene gives NOMAD the possibility to be used in various ways, e. g. as a mattress to enjoy a sunny afternoon in the park, or as a blanket for a sudden drop down temperature.
Nomad hanged on wall
Nomad transport
Nomad as a mattress
Nomad as a blanket
Nomad storage detail