Noise-guiding barrier

Noise-guiding barrier by SHIH DIAN from taiwan

designer's own words:

Have you ever been woken up by noises from road construction?

The Environmental Noise Directive of EU lists the negative impacts of traffic noise,
of which road construction is one of the sources.

In road construction, not only machine operates but other workers nearby are exposed in the danger of hearing loss.
In the long run it will cause damage to mental and physical health.

Our design is a mobile noise-control device.
It takes a form of an inverted cone with a parabolic curve .
When the noise comes from the focus, it will be directed upward to the sky.

Our anticipation is to reduce the inconvenience of road construction
and make it acceptable to the general public.
Also, we hope to create a better working environment for the workers.

Noise-guiding barrier
Noise-guiding barrier
Noise-guiding barrier
Noise-guiding barrier
Noise-guiding barrier