No Crumple Take Out Cup

No Crumple Take Out Cup by Kyu-Hyun Lee from korea

designer's own words:

The paper used in making the paper cup is made from the highest grade of pulp.However the recyclability of this paper cup is less than 10%. This is because people tend to crumple og deform the paper cup(out if habit or withot any thought) which prevents the pulp from being recycled. The paper cup is coated in polyetylene a type of plastic. After removing this coating the pulp can be recycled however, this process is done by machines and if the shape of the cup is altered in any form it is impossible for the machine to remove the coating.
Therefore the idea is to propose a paper cup which prevents people from deforming or altering the shape of their take-out coffee paper cup.
So, My Idea is that the bottom of the cup is coated in sections so that after drinking the coffee, the bottom of the cup will reveal a hidden message that can be delivered to the drinker.

What is problem

copy_10_cup2.jpg How to solve

copy_4_cup3.jpg Sceanario of Use