
nimbus by jeremey watson from usa

designer's own words:

Who hasn’t dreamt of flying—zipping through the sky and whipping through clouds? Or how about walking on water—with the atmosphere’s glittering reflection beaming beneath your feet? They are both dreams people across cultures have conjured through time that can both be possible through Nimbus.
Nimbus is more than a sculpture; it is a symbol that brings social awareness to the power and beauty of nature. The word “nimbus” is defined as a cloud, aura, and or atmosphere, surrounding a person or thing. Nimbus was inspired by various cloud formations, surrealism, and the ever-so changing environment and weather conditions. The sculpture is fixed upon a large elliptical pool of water with a pane of dense reflective recycled glass on top. Nimbus captivates the imagination of a city. Resembling a massive cloud floating on water, Nimbus evokes a surrealist aesthetic. Looking downward viewers can feel as if they are floating in the sky—given the natural reflection of the water juxtaposed against the real reflection off these objects and the sky.

Nimbus marries the fantastical notions of flying and walking on water. The synergy of both man and nature in concert with the natural and artificial symbolizes our coexistence in a beautiful way. Nimbus strives to bring a positive awareness to the powers of nature and how we can reach and harness its energies effectively to make a bold social change.
Nimbus isn’t just a beautiful sculpture, but it uses the natural power of raindrops to come to life by incorporating breakthrough material and lighting Electroluminescent Technologies. Electroluminescent Technology uses an electric field to produce light across a multi-layer structure which releases charged molecules into the outer membrane panel. When a voltage is applied by the kinetic energy from raindrops slamming onto the conductive membrane called PDVF, the force transforms into electrical energy. The charge then releases molecules inside the panel membrane creating light. The harder the rain the more vibrant the light the sculpture will emit. Imagine the way storm clouds look when lightning is flickering inside of them. Nimbus mimics whatever is going on in the sky—as if it is an extension of the sky. If it is raining at night the sculpture has a magical quality to it. Flickering and glowing with light, the sculpture demonstrates the pure power of nature.

I wanted to design something that can erase the idea that design and art only cater to a chosen few, while making a Metro-political statement that marries the natural and artificial prescribing the notion that man and nature can coexist beautifully towards a collective human need—sharing a world that may seem infinitely divided.

Nimbus is art for the future culture-of-freedom and adds to the beautification of our living environments. It draws you in and makes you feel compelled to explore it from all angles, while evoking all of your senses. Nimbus portrays and connects you to the people around you, to nature, and to the cityscape in a way that simply amazes.

Nimbus: By Jeremey C Watson

copy_0_nibuspage2.jpg Nimbus: City Life

nibuspage3copy.jpg Nimbus: A Reflection