night partner

night partner by gerardo trujillo from mexico

designer's own words:

To satisfy the needs of teenagers, to keep their own belongins and objects of personal use in an exclusive place during the night. (privacy is importat in this age), by means of the easy location in spite of the lack of light and space of an attractive form and useful, make this object the furniture of its preference.

The adolescence is a period in which the teenager look for making several activities to find something like “own”and put them in “own space”, identifying something that belong to him. Even though it looks for being the exclusive object of the teenager, the interaction with friends and the companion at night, it would be possible to use it to share with them his own objects.

This object allows to place objects or to keep them, as they are, like an awakener, a glass of water or soda, a cell phone, a laptop, or any other object of personal use during the night. It also allows to read with a lamp without bothering another person with a main room light.

The teeenager feels satisfaction making his activities with privacy and without being interrupted or being questioned.

I propouse this furniture in polipropilen

general view

teenager_night_partner_details.jpg details

teenager_night_partner_interaction.jpg interaction