NEXO by Belencorradi from argentina

designer's own words:


When business, travel, new opportunities, makes you distance from your loved ones, NEXO helps you establish a constant and simple connection through the usage of light. This twin devices will let you share a color, an emotion, no matter where you are, making it easier to stay in touch.

Colors are sometimes associated with sensations and emotions, for example, blue is related to a feeling of tranquility, peace, while other colors like red are usually associated with love and passion. So, when you want to send to the other user a sensation of hope, that everything is going to be fine, then you could adjust the color of the bracelets to green. By changing the color you are telling the other person that you are keeping him in mind, that you are there.

Curiosity could be defined by being the desire to know or learn about something or someone. Showing concern and involvement with someone's life. NEXO helps you indulge that curiosity by maintaining a bond to someone you are interested in.

NEXO's working is quite easy: When a user wants to send an emotion to the user wearing the twin bracelet, he just have to go to the NEXO's application installed in his Smartphone and change the color. This application would then send a signal through the internet to the phone of that second user. This user's cell phone will get the data and via Bluetooth will inform the twin device that it should turn of that specific color.

Every component of the gadget already exist and could be easily find. The changing of colors is accomplished thanks to a Logical data transfer unit (a kind of chip) that is programmed to interpret the signals, caught by the Bluetooth network interface card, emitted by the Smartphone. This input is turned to a sign that turns the RGB Led strip in one specific color. Everything works with a 4V battery that its charged via USB from any computer.

Nexo’s USB Connector
[jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”” html5_file=”” download_file=””]

Nexo’s Smartphone App
Twin Bracelets
[jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”” html5_file=”” download_file=””]

Inner Workings