new skins by pedro pires from uk
designer's own words:
new skins is a ongoing investigation about sculptures that use the human body as the starting point. pedro pires uses his own body, casting it in plaster, resin and metal. He then covers it with materials or objects, hiding the body and revealing a new skin or persona, characterized by the materials used.
the project is the result of an investigation about the way that materials and object create new meanings when organized in an anthropomorphic order.
house 226. human size. tiles, glue, resin and metal
eat #2. human size. Inox bowls
new skin for the body (army toys). human size. toys, glue, metal and resin
this house is not habitable. 350x225x40cm. bricks, wood and glue
new skin for the body (basketballs). human size. basketballs and metal
industrialized #1. human size. metal