Neck FRAME by A L McConnell from netherlands
designer's own words:
Neck FRAME is a low-profile neck protector that adheres to the skin and is reinforced with state of the art materials. It can be worn during athletic performance and is designed to absorb excessive force put on the cervical spine, such as whiplash, giving protection in any sport with the possibility of neck injury.
After suffering a head and neck injury in 2013 I began thinking about ways to prevent or minimize the severity of sports-related neck injuries. The final design has some of the characteristics of elastic sports tape, being flexible and adhering to skin, but in addition to this Neck FRAME is reinforced with a material called graphene. Graphene is composed of pure carbon arranged at an atomic level as a single layer in a hexagonal grid and has many properties that benefit this design, such as flexibility, elasticity and great strength along with the fact that this material is very light and thin. This allows for a product that not only moves with the body but also reinforces it. When worn by an athlete Neck FRAME acts like a structural second skin.
With advancements in material technology I feel we're due for a revolution in how we conceive of, design and construct protective athletic equipment. I believe Neck FRAME could disrupt elite sports performance and open the door to a future where similar products are used to strengthen other vulnerable joints, protecting athletes from injuries of all kinds. Neck FRAME is truly disruptive by design.
Render of an athlete wearing the Neck FRAME.
Perspective view.
Perspective view.
Section diagram.
Orthographic views.
X-ray image.