Nature Curves by aureliano garza from mexico
designer's own words:
Nature Curves
These images are a series of sculptures, carved in wood of various trees such as mahogany, oak, birch, oak, etc.., Denoting that the diversity of both features that are arranged very varied in nature, as well as the wide diversity in the arrangement of the curves of the human figure, really made apparent in the figures presented positions, proportions, structure and expression, all different from each other, correlating directly with the versatility of the line Infiniti offers in their designs.
These figures have a peculiarity in common and that is mainly what we see of them is the body and legs, and so the arms and head, with direct reference to the famous sculpture of Venus de Milo, reaching excess in some of images, going beyond, to denote a progreción by this reference image.
Production, manufacturing process and materials. - The pruducción is direct carving on tree trunks, the manufacturing process will be held first mind a series of sketches, to have a reference to follow when making each sculpture carved, and the materials: the sculptures will be carved into different types of wood such as mahogany, oak, birch, oak, etc..
Details. - These sculptures will be built on circular bases of distinas heights and presentations varied, depending on the type of vehicle with which prensente each sculpture, being these wooden structure covered with fine material finishes, can also be considered some other structure similar but larger proportions, so you can go there one of the vehicles presented.
Nature Curves A jul 2012
Nature Curves B jul 2012
Nature Curves C jul 2012
Nature Curves D jul 2012