Natural Safety convertible Limousine

Natural Safety convertible Limousine by Kevin Hwang from korea

designer's own words:

First of all I am happy to introduce my car to you!!! I drew a lot of cars but this car made by my idea so, I am all exciting about it!!!

Firstly, this car can't make now days because this car go by electronic power. A lot of car companies are trying to make electronic power but no one isn't suceed yet.

Secondly, this car back cover made by snail shell. I got this idea few days ago it was rainny day and I was thinking about this "design boom" idea and suddenly think about my childhood. After rainny days I and my friends are usually get snails from outside but now days we can't see snails anymore. I drew snail shell for back cover of car so that everyone can imagine there childhood and it is friendly with people. It looks natural than other cars design too.

Lastly, air-bag of this car is leafs. We can look any kind of leaves in summer. But if leaves aren't grow we can think that the tree is dead. I choose leaves for air-bag because if somebody got car accident hopely that person or people still hope to alive so I drew leaves for air-bag. It meaning that leaves have hope.

Therefore, this car is natural and idea of future car because go buy elecronic, back of cover is snail and have leaves air-bag.

fron back top drew

4932451652_201.jpg fron back top in paint