
nana. by tefu wu from germany

designer's own words:

the idea of "nana" is from observing the posture of hand.
the form is derived from simple movement between user and door handle,
a simple, normal but dateless relationship.

"nana" means seven in japanese, the name is from its shape.
form of "nana" is base on the movement of hand.
when user try to rotate a door handle, there will be some posture that most of people will do the same.
by observing this behavior, developing the style of nana.

the main form of cross section is designed to fit the shape when people bend fingers to hold the handle. the curve of surface can make movement of rotating or pulling handle more comfortable.

the trim surface which can fit the curvature of thumb finger,
which is the fulcrum when people try to rotate door handle.


nanaex.jpg introduction

nanad.jpg dimensional

nanam.jpg material