Mystery mirage

Mystery mirage by Meunier Félix from belgium

designer's own words:

Mystery Mirage project is the result of my research of diverse designs for kimonos.
For me, the kimono represents the visual mystery, a window towards the feelings, a furtive movement, a silent elegance. What is also a reflection of Japan. I've developed four different designs who resume the spirit of patterns and the drawing for kimono. By bringing it a mysterious atmosphere and a visual revival. The today's society is more and more individual, the kimono is for me a garment having a soul, and it represents the feelings of the person who wears it. That why it's important today for society, which hides behind mass clothes and where the feelings fade, to keep the kimono's tradition.
I thus took back natural elements (nature, plants, animals, minerals) which are things the closest to the man and to his feelings. I tried to bring a new vision to classsic patterns.

I drew every design with Black ink and I brought it the color by computer. Multimedia tools is clearly inked in society today. The computer became a need and takes more and more place in our society. But by using this tools advisedly, we can create new things and respect the traditions. It can never remplace hand drawing.

Design 1. Misty chrysanthemum.
To immortalize the tradition of the kimono while renewing it, I chose to work with a pattern peculiar to Japan: flower of chrysanthemum. This flower has a particular symbolism within the Japanese company society. This symbol of beauty and prosperity is an emblem for the land of the rising sun. I chose to represent it under a mysterious air by working with materials appropriate to the digital area.

Design 2.
Hypnotic panther.
For this design, I wanted to represent an animal and a specific atmospheric atmosphere. The mist and the clouds are very present patterns in the Japanese imagery. These symbols represent the time and the space, notions which on a kimono, a garment which moves and floats, reminds to the man forces of Nature. When we wear this kimono, we can fee the weightlessness and the weight of its steps, as a panther walking in the mist.

Design 3.
Rainy stone.
Here is a resuming motive for the mineral patterns. The stone can quite embody if we observe with our heart. We can see animals, mountains, forms, feelings there. That's why I drew this particular pattern and reinterpreted it. According to every individual can see a various sense there.

Design 4.
Stone Lion.
For this design, I wanted to represent the kimono as a landscape. The kimono is as a blank page originally. I was inspired by great masters of the Ukiyo-e, by Ito Jakuchu to Hokusai. I wanted to center this design for kimono on the real Nature. She can be powerful, colored while being quiet and dark. It is a reminder for the society of the fundamentals while establishing a modernity of representation.

Design 1. Misty chrysenthemum. To immortalize the tradition of the kimono while renewing it, I chose to work with a pattern peculiar to Japan: flower of chrysanthemum. This flower has a particular symbolism within the Japanese company society. This symbol of beauty and prosperity is an emblem for the land of the rising sun. I chose to represent it under a mysterious air by working with materials appropriate to the digital area.
Mystery mirage
Design 2. Hypnotic panther. For this design, I wanted to represent an animal and a specific atmospheric atmosphere. The mist and the clouds are very present patterns in the Japanese imagery. These symbols represent the time and the space, notions which on a kimono, a garment which moves and floats, reminds to the man forces of Nature. When we wear this kimono, we can fee the weightlessness and the weight of its steps, as a panther walking in the mist.
Mystery mirage
Design 3. Rainy stone. Here is a resuming motive for the mineral patterns. The stone can quite embody if we observe with our heart. We can see animals, mountains, forms, feelings there. That’s why I drew this particular pattern and reinterpreted it. According to every individual can see a various sense there.
Mystery mirage
Design 4. Stone Lion. For this design, I wanted to represent the kimono as a landscape. The kimono is as a blank page originally. I was inspired by great masters of the Ukiyo-e, by Ito Jakuchu to Hokusai. I wanted to center this design for kimono on the real Nature. She can be powerful, colored while being quiet and dark. It is a reminder for the society of the fundamentals while establishing a modernity of representation.