by from

designer's own words:

[] personalised furniture for teenagers [my.choice] high level of flexibility and simplicity – use the elements for chairs, table, sofa, book shelves [my.change] furniture that can easily be adjusted to fit your changing needs [] furniture for relaxing, talking, playing, partying, working – living [my.favourites] in a wide variety of colors. []

1a) Main-module _Production: Reaction Injection Moulding _Material: Polyurethane Foam _Attributes: Lightweight, good strength, economical production of large parts 1b) Cushion with cushion cover of strong, washable fabric 2) Assembling-module used to combine two or more main-modules _Production: Injection moulding _Material: Polypropylene _Attributes: economical production 3) The main-modules are painted with polyurethane lacquer.

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