My Voice is my Money by sreedevig from india
designer's own words:
With the advancement in technology, the future of banking lies in making the customer experience
easy and simple. Why hassle yourself with the physical requirements to connect to your bank. Carry your money wherever you go.
On a holiday or on a long drive, taking a stroll in the park or at a concert, at home or away, take your bank with you, transact with your voice.
Your Voice is Unique and every Voice is like no other.
Through advanced voice biometric technology, the uniqueness can be recognized.
Your unique voice, your unique password.
Once stored and registered with the Bank,you can authenticate your transactions through voice passwords,letting you eliminate physical medium like cash or card and the hassle of remembering lengthy passwords.You can make transactions through voice cheque giving you the freedom to make payments on the go.
Title page
The concept

How may we use it ?

scenario 1

scenario 2