
Mutatio by gavino siciliano from italy

designer's own words:

For this competition we have designed Mutatio, a handle that is as closely as possible to the style of your company.
After trying your products in person, we were directed to the creation of a simple object, which was easily achieved (in fact consists of only five pieces).
For the object we decided to combine two different materials: the coldness of the metal mat is wisely with a wood finish in the point of contact, which gives it a clean and modern form, yet elegant. Mutatio is also user-customizable, whose purchases can choose from three different solutions, in addition to the first cited it is possible to find a version of one metal (which will cost less because the use of a single material ), and a more sophisticated version, which has a metal ornament, which gives a better grip when the grip.


copy_1_senza_titolo2.jpg Various Versions

senza_titolo3.jpg Geometry