music madness

music madness by intira guygerd from thailand

designer's own words:

myself as teenager really crazy about pop music.There a lot of CD and DVD concert on my shelf. My design is inspired by that factor.

teenager who crazy about music and celebrities,collected items and music CD in some shelf. If they really like thier CD collection, they will want to look at it all the time.

If they can look at the CD collection while working, studying or reading, it will make them enjoy.

The "music madness" study table allow them to see their CD collection inside the table while they working so the simple furniture like table and chair look more interesting to teenagers.
the table abd chair made of transparent pastic that make the teenager will be more happy working on this table.

the chair has a gap to insert the favorite celebrities poster and picture.

the set can be costomize to be what thing they want by arrange the composition of the CDs and Poster inside the chair.

transparent table and chair

copy_0_tablechair4.jpg perspective view

copy_0_tablechair2.jpg decorate the chair with poster