muse by Akane from japan
designer's own words:
Your experience and the knowledge from the past and observation of the present will give you some hint to anticipate your future.
When you touch on the the surface of the mirror, the sensor capture the motion and the LED lights turn on which are set to the direction you stand.You see yourself reflected on the surface, which means you observe the present.
Touch again the surface on the mirror, then the far side will be brighten up.
The surface becomes transparent as you can see the view of the far side, since the material of the mirror is made of aluminum metallized film. It means that the result of your action toward the present lead you to see the future.
The division and the appearance of the space the will change by interacting with mirror.
Muse will be a chance to think how you are interactive to the future and give you a hint to anticipate a bright future.
light up with touch
concept image
mirror state
transparent state$
brief spec
general view