moving city

moving city by emre calis from turkey

designer's own words:

Moving city is formed of 100 m2 units which are placed into the 3D matrix. These wires look like spider nets which are done with the future technology or like a non elastic silk. These wires should be as slim (5mm – 10mm) and transparent as it could be. As a result of the movements of these units, one can observe a random view which will lead to the formation of a constantly changing city silhouette. The city will be a perceived as a work of art. Freedom of movement of the unit residents will eliminate the conviction to a specific floor. Furthermore, this will allow us to change our neighbours. Freedom of movement of the unit residents will eliminate the conviction to a specific floor. Furthermore, this will allow us to change our neighbours.

design strategy
moving city
day view
moving city
night view
moving city
a moving unit
moving city