motion in house

motion in house by chong from japan

designer's own words:

It has become a standard mode for people to live on the flat floor for varied activities ranging from sleeping to sporting, although that is not hard to find the maladjustment between human nature and such rigid, horizontal behavior mode.

Except for functional buildings, actually we can rarely live in the pure flat space in nature, the introduction of curved floor in house can bring new living mode which librate the few human posture to a variety of movements such as climbing. That is the real motion in house rather than generic visualization pattern.

Generally speaking, the curved floor slabs interlocks to consist this infrastructure where different functions in each floor are connected by the continuous circulation. In terms of fabrication, the flat floor, which can be seen as the constant rule in contemporary architecture design, can be refreshed by the digital fabrication technology such as CNC machine and milling tools. Let us embrace the new type of living way-MOTION IN HOUSE.

concept motion in house perspective motion in house plan motion in house section motion in house fabrication motion in house inner perspective