Morph by Luís M. Lima from portugal
designer's own words:
Morph is a stationary that can be folded to meet the user's needs. Since in nowadays the life we have demands us to travel and often change our work environment, it would be good to have a stationary that can take all the shapes that can be needed and than, change into a flat form that cant fit into a pencil case. You can take your personal space with you without volume or weight problems.
The material used to construction was cardboard printed with the guide-lines. The blind side of a paper blade to grooves that can be used to fold the paper without resistance. To keep the product in the desired form, a paperclip is used.
A top view. you can see variations only made by flat planes.
Various morph sheets aligned. The reflections of the light shows the guide lines that you use to fold the object to your desired form.
The product flat in the background and folded over. It can be easily unfolded back to the volume of a piece of paper and transported without occupy any space.
An example of the folding process and different forms it can take.
Possibilities are limited by your imagination. You can see two different forms in actual use.
A view of another form. The only think needed to hold it together is a paperclip.