mono. dining table

mono. dining table by Aaron Gomes from india

designer's own words:

Space is at a premium in urban Japan, and the younger generation living in small apartments is the target for this product. The table is made of a single piece of wood and has a kerfed construction to allow for bending. The depth of the kerfing regulates the bend and the extent of the bending as well. The user can customize the table by using his or her own choice of material and patterns of tablecloths, similar to the way the Kimono changes with season. The aspect of the table being folded over itself reinforces the link as well. In terms of the visual aspect, the form of the table is directly inspired by the neckline and is evident if viewed from above.

The table
mono. dining table
mono. dining table
Link with the Kimono
mono. dining table
User interaction
mono. dining table