MONO by Deepak Kumar from india

designer's own words:

According to my analysis, I found out that the Japanese people are very particular when it comes to punctuality. That’s where I got my opportunity of designing a watch. The kimono is also worn as per the 4 seasons, this is a major aspect which I wanted to highlight in the design. The ‘Kamon’ which is a family crest, worn on auspicious occasions was my inspiration for the form of the watch. The user which I targeted is the young generation who want a constant change when it comes to accessories, so I went ahead with a more customizable watch. It consists of 3 parts – dial, cover and a strap, which are detachable. Since it’s for a younger crowd it is more interactive to today’s technology. A tap on the dial would show the time, one more tap would make it go back to the screensaver mode. The screensaver can be set accordingly, as it is interactive with the mobile device. It can be even worn with a kimono, or attached to any bag or attire which matches it. The packaging is inspired from ‘Shirokiya’s Nihonbashi’ , which was a kimono manufacture store which got burnt in 1932.

Link between watch and Kimono
Final Packaging