Moleskinerie The cinematic experience by narcis lupou from germany
designer's own words:
Definitely, a Moleskine product can become a vivid reflexion of our identity. All the intimate thoughts, experiences,ideas and visions are recorded in every page of an notebook through sketches, drawings, writings, scribbles, collages.
We hide behind an everyday mask, but when we're opening a Moleskine notebook we find our true nature. We're enjoying a show. Moleskinerie shares all these Moleskine-related experiences with its audience. Moleskinerie is a platform used for telling stories and legends (as the motto says), this enables us to enjoy a genuine cinematic experience.
A Moleskine notebook has the same practical attributes as the celluloid. We record precious visual moments of our inner conscience in it. So, a Moleskine notebook is just like a camera recorder but in another way it can also be a projector of our feelings, of our creative behaviour, of our inspiration.
I was inspired by al these observations and comparisons in creating the visual identity for Moleskinerie.
I've illustrated this concept through a visual metaphor: a graphical sign made out of different other symbols: the stylized mask of a human face (representing our appearance), behind it is the centre of our conscience, our brain drawn as a Moleskine notebook. The overall symbol is bascially a surrealistic camera recorder and a projector at the same time, a device with intriguing details: the human face, and the human hand (the human touch) wich holds the centre-piece - the iconic Moleskine notebook, the yellow-white beam ray.
Regarding the typography, I've choose a handmade solution: handwriting, because it's representative for Moleskine and for its users and it's natural and authentic ( I was inspired by Bili Bidjocka's initiative).
Regarding the color scheme, my proposal is a striking black-yellow combination, with high contrasts, bold effects, in order to emphasize each detail of the logo design.
Logotype versions
Logotype variations
Logotype variations
Graphic symbol, colors, typography
Logotype proportions
Sketches & moods