Moleskinerie  is Moleskine

Moleskinerie is Moleskine by david santacruz from colombia

designer's own words:

This logo reflects everything I see in a moleskine, from its simple lines and stylized to its ease of use and the practical advantages comparadad with other notebooks.
because this is a logo for a website related to everything about Moleskin I decided to highlight this fact by a formal graphic way.
To design this logo, I took my moleskin and began to identify the formal features and then integrate them into a logo including a sans serif font that is easy to identify and properly fitting the design of the logo.
-Logo designed in HP Pavilion dv5 with Windows 7.
-Use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop CS3.
-Thanks to my lovely moleskine!!

Primary Logo

copy_108_2.gif Guidelines

copy_84_3.gif Black and white Logo

copy_13_4.gif Font

copy_10_5.gif Wrong Used

copy_7_6.gif Logo Width