Moleskinerie in Lines and shapes

Moleskinerie in Lines and shapes by eric leon from mexico

designer's own words:

The moleskine notebooks, reflect quality, but above all, they mean a blank canvas that allows the owner to do what you want with it. Roads, experiences, dreams, projects, stories, food, etc.., Everything has been done in a moleskine.
Moleskinerie should be, the path to bring all that moleskine community in the world. Therefore, the logo should contain an element that would link all this, the "spring" that connects the pages was the best item to reflect that idea. Besides that, it is a feature of the book, and that many have tried to copy but have not succeeded.
The project (The M images and the "moleskinerie" word "moleskine takes 2 elements, the curved lines of the contours of the books and the spring, in a letter" M "that is easy to remember.
The other part is simple, pick up the outline of the book and in it put the word "moleskinerie"

Red M

mileskinerie_logo02.jpg Black M

mileskinerie_logo03.jpg Black and red M

mileskinerie_logo04.jpg M to the left

mileskinerie_logo05.jpg moleskinerie line

mileskinerie_logo06.jpg moleskinerie in a moleskine