Moleskinerie  Flying Bird 2 by DaZa

Moleskinerie Flying Bird 2 by DaZa by davide zamberlan from italy

designer's own words:

The idea for the logo is very simple.
The first character "E" of "Moleskinerie" become a pencil. A flying bird is drawing on a sheet and the bird seem also a hole in the sheet. On the background a real bird fly. It is the model of the draw but it can also be just the draw escape from the sheet. The flying bird is free. Free like moleskine freeing artistes to draw everywhere they want. Free like the draws, sketches 'n' more to fly on the web to everyone want to see them.

The work is realized with Adobe Illustrator CS 2
The font of "Moleskinerie" is Aller Light.

Tav1 – Logo

mole_dazb2.gif Tav 2 – Applications