Moleskinerie by Sergio das Neves by sergio das neves from portugal

designer's own words:

The visual identification for the Moleskenierie logo was built to be an indissociable set of symbol/logo, in which the symbol corresponds to the image and the logo the word Moleskinerie.

Brief Description

The logo created to materialize the Moleskieneire identity, seeks to represent the following:
- to create a brand that was minimalistic, but yet immediatly identifiable.
- the concept is a Moleskine notebook, rotated in a 45º angle, fallowed by the word Moloskinerie.
- the font was intended to be light and yet readable, with a scense of security and strenght.
- to maintain the prestige of the Moleskine brand.

The logo was created by Sérgio das Neves.

Rules of Usage

It is interdict the use of the Moleskinerie logo, in it complete form, in partial form or in a plus form, by any other entities, private or public, without the express authorization of Moleskienerie.
The logo consists by the symbol and the word Moleskinerie, thus, never to be altered, but in some exceptions.

Characteristics of the logo

The logo is made with the colours orange (Pantone 144C) and black. The font used is ITC Blair Light.
The logo can be used in black, white, positive or negative.
The application of the logo over photographic background has to be made in a way that will not compromise it´s chromatic identity.

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